
إنها مصر ياسادة

كتب الاعلامي / أحمد الطيب



إنها مصر ياسادة


مصر هى أول دولة على كوكب الأرض وسماها الله تعالى بوحى وعلى إسمها سمى نبى الله نوح حفيده {مصريم} .


مصر ولد فيها نبى الله إدريس وهو أول من كتب الأحرف بيده وأول من فصل الملابس ليرتديها البشر وأول من بنى بيت الله الحرام بسواعد المصريين .


مصر هى اول من صك النقود من آلاف السنين وحتى يومنا هذا ويسميها بعض الشعوب بالمصارى نسبة لمصر .


مصر هى التى أتجبت هاجر زوجة نبى الله إبراهيم وأم نبى الله اسماعيل والتى يسير شتى المسلمين على شعائرها هى وإبنها فى الحج ليوم الدين  


مصر هى التى إشترى أحد أبنائها نبى الله يوسف ليعيش ويموت ويدفن فى مصر .


مصر هى الدولة الوحيدة التى يوجد بها خزائن الأرض وأتى إليها كل بنى إسرائيل وعلى رأسهم نبى الله يعقوب وزوجته وأولاده .


مصر هى التى انقذت كل شعوب الأرض من الموت جوعا فى سنوات القحط العجاف فأطعمتهم من خيرها فظلت صاحبة الفضل عليهم وعلى أحفادهم إلى يوم الدين .


مصر هى التى ولد وترعرع فيها نبى الله موسى ويكلمه الله فى الواد المقدس طوى لتكون المرة الأولى والأخيرة التى يصل فيها صوت الله إلى الأرض ويسمعه بشر .


مصر هى التى أنجبت السيدة آسيا زوجة فرعون وهى أول إمرأة يبنى الله لها قصراً بالجنة .


مصر هى التى نزلت التوراة بها فى ألواح من السماء وهى التى أنزل الله فيها على بنى إسرائيل المن والسلوى .


مصر هى التى إختارتها بوحى إلهى مريم بنت عمران وطفلها الرضيع نبى الله عيسى بن مريم هرباً من بطش اعداء الله فمكثت بها سبع سنوات .  


 مصر هى التى ذكرت فى القرآن الكريم خمس مرات صراحة والعديد من المرات بالإشارة دون سائر بلدان الأرض وهى الوحيدة التى ذكرت فى كل الكتب السماوية .


مصر هى التى قال فيها رسول الله إستوصوا بأهلها خيراً وأكد إن جندها خير أجناد الأرض وإن شعبها فى رباط ليوم الدين .


 مصر هى التى قال فيها عمرو بن العاص إن إمارة مصر تعدل كل باقى دولة الخلافة .


مصر هى التى أنقذت إخوانه فى شبة الجزيرة العربية وأرسلوا لها قافلة أولها فى المدينة المنورة وآخرها فى القاهرة بعد حدثت المجاعة فى شبة الجزيرة العربية ومات الناس جوعا فأرسل لها عمر بن الخطاب يطلب الغوث من أهلها ويكتب ثلاث كلمات فقط { واغوثاه . واغوثاه . واغوثاه } ودعى عمر لمصر وأهلها بالخير والنماء والرخاء .


مصر هى الدولة الوحيدة التى خصها الله بالأمن والأمان بطولها وعرضها وقال جل علاه { إدخلوا مصر إن شاء الله آمنين }.


It’s Egypt, gentlemen


 Egypt is the first country on the planet Earth, and God Almighty named it Revelation, and after its name, the Prophet of God, Noah, named his grandson (Egypt).


 In Egypt, the Prophet of God, Idris, was born. He was the first to write letters with his own hands, the first to separate clothes for people to wear, and the first to build the Holy House of God with the hands of the Egyptians.


 Egypt is the first to mint money from thousands of years ago to this day, and some peoples call it “Al-Masari” in relation to Egypt.


 Egypt is the one who gave birth to Hagar, the wife of the Prophet of God Ibrahim and the mother of the Prophet of God Ismael, whose rituals the various Muslims follow, she and her son, in the pilgrimage to the Day of Judgment


 It was Egypt that bought one of its sons, the Prophet of God, Joseph, to live, die and be buried in Egypt.


 Egypt is the only country in which there are treasuries of the earth, and all the children of Israel came to it, led by the Prophet of God Jacob, his wife and his children.


 It is Egypt that saved all the peoples of the earth from starvation in the lean years of drought, so it fed them from its goodness, and it remains the credit for them and their descendants until the Day of Judgment.


 Egypt is where the Prophet of God Moses was born and raised, and God spoke to him in the holy valley. It was the first and last time that God’s voice reached the earth and was heard by human beings.


 Egypt was the one who gave birth to Lady Asia, the wife of Pharaoh, and she was the first woman for whom God would build a palace in heaven.


 Egypt is the one with which the Torah was revealed on tablets from heaven, and it is in which God sent down manna and quail to the Children of Israel.


 Egypt was the one that was chosen by divine inspiration, Mary, the daughter of Imran, and her infant child, the Prophet of God, Jesus, the son of Mary, to escape the oppression of God’s enemies, so she stayed there for seven years.


  Egypt is the one mentioned in the Holy Qur’an five times explicitly and many times by reference, without the rest of the countries of the earth, and it is the only one mentioned in all the heavenly books.


 Egypt is the one in which the Messenger of God said, “Recommend its people with goodness.” He affirmed that its soldiers are the best soldiers on earth, and that its people are bound by the Day of Judgment.


  Egypt is the one in which Amr ibn al-Aas said that the Emirate of Egypt modifies all the rest of the caliphate state.


 It was Egypt that rescued his brothers in the Arabian Peninsula and sent her a convoy, the first in Medina and the last in Cairo, after the famine occurred in the Arabian Peninsula and the people died of starvation, so Omar Ibn Al-Khattab sent her asking for help from her family and writing only three words {And rescue him. and comforted him. And help him} Umar prayed for Egypt and its people with good, growth and prosperity.


 Egypt is the only country that God has singled out for security and safety in its length and width, and the Almighty said {Enter Egypt, God willing, safe}.It’s Egypt, gentlemen


 Egypt is the first country on the planet Earth, and God Almighty named it Revelation, and after its name, the Prophet of God, Noah, named his grandson (Egypt).


 In Egypt, the Prophet of God, Idris, was born. He was the first to write letters with his own hands, the first to separate clothes for people to wear, and the first to build the Holy House of God with the hands of the Egyptians.


 Egypt is the first to mint money from thousands of years ago to this day, and some peoples call it “Al-Masari” in relation to Egypt.


 Egypt is the one who gave birth to Hagar, the wife of the Prophet of God Ibrahim and the mother of the Prophet of God Ismael, whose rituals the various Muslims follow, she and her son, in the pilgrimage to the Day of Judgment


 It was Egypt that bought one of its sons, the Prophet of God, Joseph, to live, die and be buried in Egypt.


 Egypt is the only country in which there are treasuries of the earth, and all the children of Israel came to it, led by the Prophet of God Jacob, his wife and his children.


 It is Egypt that saved all the peoples of the earth from starvation in the lean years of drought, so it fed them from its goodness, and it remains the credit for them and their descendants until the Day of Judgment.


 Egypt is where the Prophet of God Moses was born and raised, and God spoke to him in the holy valley. It was the first and last time that God’s voice reached the earth and was heard by human beings.


 Egypt was the one who gave birth to Lady Asia, the wife of Pharaoh, and she was the first woman for whom God would build a palace in heaven.


 Egypt is the one with which the Torah was revealed on tablets from heaven, and it is in which God sent down manna and quail to the Children of Israel.


 Egypt was the one that was chosen by divine inspiration, Mary, the daughter of Imran, and her infant child, the Prophet of God, Jesus, the son of Mary, to escape the oppression of God’s enemies, so she stayed there for seven years.


  Egypt is the one mentioned in the Holy Qur’an five times explicitly and many times by reference, without the rest of the countries of the earth, and it is the only one mentioned in all the heavenly books.


 Egypt is the one in which the Messenger of God said, “Recommend its people with goodness.” He affirmed that its soldiers are the best soldiers on earth, and that its people are bound by the Day of Judgment.


  Egypt is the one in which Amr ibn al-Aas said that the Emirate of Egypt modifies all the rest of the caliphate state.


 It was Egypt that rescued his brothers in the Arabian Peninsula and sent her a convoy, the first in Medina and the last in Cairo, after the famine occurred in the Arabian Peninsula and the people died of starvation, so Omar Ibn Al-Khattab sent her asking for help from her family and writing only three words {And rescue him. and comforted him. And help him} Umar prayed for Egypt and its people with good, growth and prosperity.


 Egypt is the only country that God has singled out for security and safety in its length and width, and the Almighty said {Enter Egypt, God willing, safe}.It’s Egypt, gentlemen


 Egypt is the first country on the planet Earth, and God Almighty named it Revelation, and after its name, the Prophet of God, Noah, named his grandson (Egypt).


 In Egypt, the Prophet of God, Idris, was born. He was the first to write letters with his own hands, the first to separate clothes for people to wear, and the first to build the Holy House of God with the hands of the Egyptians.


 Egypt is the first to mint money from thousands of years ago to this day, and some peoples call it “Al-Masari” in relation to Egypt.


 Egypt is the one who gave birth to Hagar, the wife of the Prophet of God Ibrahim and the mother of the Prophet of God Ismael, whose rituals the various Muslims follow, she and her son, in the pilgrimage to the Day of Judgment


 It was Egypt that bought one of its sons, the Prophet of God, Joseph, to live, die and be buried in Egypt.


 Egypt is the only country in which there are treasuries of the earth, and all the children of Israel came to it, led by the Prophet of God Jacob, his wife and his children.


 It is Egypt that saved all the peoples of the earth from starvation in the lean years of drought, so it fed them from its goodness, and it remains the credit for them and their descendants until the Day of Judgment.


 Egypt is where the Prophet of God Moses was born and raised, and God spoke to him in the holy valley. It was the first and last time that God’s voice reached the earth and was heard by human beings.


 Egypt was the one who gave birth to Lady Asia, the wife of Pharaoh, and she was the first woman for whom God would build a palace in heaven.


 Egypt is the one with which the Torah was revealed on tablets from heaven, and it is in which God sent down manna and quail to the Children of Israel.


 Egypt was the one that was chosen by divine inspiration, Mary, the daughter of Imran, and her infant child, the Prophet of God, Jesus, the son of Mary, to escape the oppression of God’s enemies, so she stayed there for seven years.


  Egypt is the one mentioned in the Holy Qur’an five times explicitly and many times by reference, without the rest of the countries of the earth, and it is the only one mentioned in all the heavenly books.


 Egypt is the one in which the Messenger of God said, “Recommend its people with goodness.” He affirmed that its soldiers are the best soldiers on earth, and that its people are bound by the Day of Judgment.


  Egypt is the one in which Amr ibn al-Aas said that the Emirate of Egypt modifies all the rest of the caliphate state.


 It was Egypt that rescued his brothers in the Arabian Peninsula and sent her a convoy, the first in Medina and the last in Cairo, after the famine occurred in the Arabian Peninsula and the people died of starvation, so Omar Ibn Al-Khattab sent her asking for help from her family and writing only three words {And rescue him. and comforted him. And help him} Umar prayed for Egypt and its people with good, growth and prosperity.


 Egypt is the only country that God has singled out for security and safety in its length and width, and the Almighty said {Enter Egypt, God willing, safe}.It’s Egypt, gentlemen


 Egypt is the first country on the planet Earth, and God Almighty named it Revelation, and after its name, the Prophet of God, Noah, named his grandson (Egypt).


 In Egypt, the Prophet of God, Idris, was born. He was the first to write letters with his own hands, the first to separate clothes for people to wear, and the first to build the Holy House of God with the hands of the Egyptians.


 Egypt is the first to mint money from thousands of years ago to this day, and some peoples call it “Al-Masari” in relation to Egypt.


 Egypt is the one who gave birth to Hagar, the wife of the Prophet of God Ibrahim and the mother of the Prophet of God Ismael, whose rituals the various Muslims follow, she and her son, in the pilgrimage to the Day of Judgment


 It was Egypt that bought one of its sons, the Prophet of God, Joseph, to live, die and be buried in Egypt.


 Egypt is the only country in which there are treasuries of the earth, and all the children of Israel came to it, led by the Prophet of God Jacob, his wife and his children.


 It is Egypt that saved all the peoples of the earth from starvation in the lean years of drought, so it fed them from its goodness, and it remains the credit for them and their descendants until the Day of Judgment.


 Egypt is where the Prophet of God Moses was born and raised, and God spoke to him in the holy valley. It was the first and last time that God’s voice reached the earth and was heard by human beings.


 Egypt was the one who gave birth to Lady Asia, the wife of Pharaoh, and she was the first woman for whom God would build a palace in heaven.


 Egypt is the one with which the Torah was revealed on tablets from heaven, and it is in which God sent down manna and quail to the Children of Israel.


 Egypt was the one that was chosen by divine inspiration, Mary, the daughter of Imran, and her infant child, the Prophet of God, Jesus, the son of Mary, to escape the oppression of God’s enemies, so she stayed there for seven years.


  Egypt is the one mentioned in the Holy Qur’an five times explicitly and many times by reference, without the rest of the countries of the earth, and it is the only one mentioned in all the heavenly books.


 Egypt is the one in which the Messenger of God said, “Recommend its people with goodness.” He affirmed that its soldiers are the best soldiers on earth, and that its people are bound by the Day of Judgment.


  Egypt is the one in which Amr ibn al-Aas said that the Emirate of Egypt modifies all the rest of the caliphate state.


 It was Egypt that rescued his brothers in the Arabian Peninsula and sent her a convoy, the first in Medina and the last in Cairo, after the famine occurred in the Arabian Peninsula and the people died of starvation, so Omar Ibn Al-Khattab sent her asking for help from her family and writing only three words {And rescue him. and comforted him. And help him} Umar prayed for Egypt and its people with good, growth and prosperity.


 Egypt is the only country that God has singled out for security and safety in its length and width, and the Almighty said {Enter Egypt, God willing, safe}.It’s Egypt, gentlemen


 Egypt is the first country on the planet Earth, and God Almighty named it Revelation, and after its name, the Prophet of God, Noah, named his grandson (Egypt).


 In Egypt, the Prophet of God, Idris, was born. He was the first to write letters with his own hands, the first to separate clothes for people to wear, and the first to build the Holy House of God with the hands of the Egyptians.


 Egypt is the first to mint money from thousands of years ago to this day, and some peoples call it “Al-Masari” in relation to Egypt.


 Egypt is the one who gave birth to Hagar, the wife of the Prophet of God Ibrahim and the mother of the Prophet of God Ismael, whose rituals the various Muslims follow, she and her son, in the pilgrimage to the Day of Judgment


 It was Egypt that bought one of its sons, the Prophet of God, Joseph, to live, die and be buried in Egypt.


 Egypt is the only country in which there are treasuries of the earth, and all the children of Israel came to it, led by the Prophet of God Jacob, his wife and his children.


 It is Egypt that saved all the peoples of the earth from starvation in the lean years of drought, so it fed them from its goodness, and it remains the credit for them and their descendants until the Day of Judgment.


 Egypt is where the Prophet of God Moses was born and raised, and God spoke to him in the holy valley. It was the first and last time that God’s voice reached the earth and was heard by human beings.


 Egypt was the one who gave birth to Lady Asia, the wife of Pharaoh, and she was the first woman for whom God would build a palace in heaven.


 Egypt is the one with which the Torah was revealed on tablets from heaven, and it is in which God sent down manna and quail to the Children of Israel.


 Egypt was the one that was chosen by divine inspiration, Mary, the daughter of Imran, and her infant child, the Prophet of God, Jesus, the son of Mary, to escape the oppression of God’s enemies, so she stayed there for seven years.


  Egypt is the one mentioned in the Holy Qur’an five times explicitly and many times by reference, without the rest of the countries of the earth, and it is the only one mentioned in all the heavenly books.


 Egypt is the one in which the Messenger of God said, “Recommend its people with goodness.” He affirmed that its soldiers are the best soldiers on earth, and that its people are bound by the Day of Judgment.


  Egypt is the one in which Amr ibn al-Aas said that the Emirate of Egypt modifies all the rest of the caliphate state.


 It was Egypt that rescued his brothers in the Arabian Peninsula and sent her a convoy, the first in Medina and the last in Cairo, after the famine occurred in the Arabian Peninsula and the people died of starvation, so Omar Ibn Al-Khattab sent her asking for help from her family and writing only three words {And rescue him. and comforted him. And help him} Umar prayed for Egypt and its people with good, growth and prosperity.


 Egypt is the only country that God has singled out for security and safety in its length and width, and the Almighty said {Enter Egypt, God willing, safe}.It’s Egypt, gentlemen


 Egypt is the first country on the planet Earth, and God Almighty named it Revelation, and after its name, the Prophet of God, Noah, named his grandson (Egypt).


 In Egypt, the Prophet of God, Idris, was born. He was the first to write letters with his own hands, the first to separate clothes for people to wear, and the first to build the Holy House of God with the hands of the Egyptians.


 Egypt is the first to mint money from thousands of years ago to this day, and some peoples call it “Al-Masari” in relation to Egypt.


 Egypt is the one who gave birth to Hagar, the wife of the Prophet of God Ibrahim and the mother of the Prophet of God Ismael, whose rituals the various Muslims follow, she and her son, in the pilgrimage to the Day of Judgment


 It was Egypt that bought one of its sons, the Prophet of God, Joseph, to live, die and be buried in Egypt.


 Egypt is the only country in which there are treasuries of the earth, and all the children of Israel came to it, led by the Prophet of God Jacob, his wife and his children.


 It is Egypt that saved all the peoples of the earth from starvation in the lean years of drought, so it fed them from its goodness, and it remains the credit for them and their descendants until the Day of Judgment.


 Egypt is where the Prophet of God Moses was born and raised, and God spoke to him in the holy valley. It was the first and last time that God’s voice reached the earth and was heard by human beings.


 Egypt was the one who gave birth to Lady Asia, the wife of Pharaoh, and she was the first woman for whom God would build a palace in heaven.


 Egypt is the one with which the Torah was revealed on tablets from heaven, and it is in which God sent down manna and quail to the Children of Israel.


 Egypt was the one that was chosen by divine inspiration, Mary, the daughter of Imran, and her infant child, the Prophet of God, Jesus, the son of Mary, to escape the oppression of God’s enemies, so she stayed there for seven years.


  Egypt is the one mentioned in the Holy Qur’an five times explicitly and many times by reference, without the rest of the countries of the earth, and it is the only one mentioned in all the heavenly books.


 Egypt is the one in which the Messenger of God said, “Recommend its people with goodness.” He affirmed that its soldiers are the best soldiers on earth, and that its people are bound by the Day of Judgment.


  Egypt is the one in which Amr ibn al-Aas said that the Emirate of Egypt modifies all the rest of the caliphate state.


 It was Egypt that rescued his brothers in the Arabian Peninsula and sent her a convoy, the first in Medina and the last in Cairo, after the famine occurred in the Arabian Peninsula and the people died of starvation, so Omar Ibn Al-Khattab sent her asking for help from her family and writing only three words {And rescue him. and comforted him. And help him} Umar prayed for Egypt and its people with good, growth and prosperity.


 Egypt is the only country that God has singled out for security and safety in its length and width, and the Almighty said {Enter Egypt, God willing, safe}.It’s Egypt, gentlemen


 Egypt is the first country on the planet Earth, and God Almighty named it Revelation, and after its name, the Prophet of God, Noah, named his grandson (Egypt).


 In Egypt, the Prophet of God, Idris, was born. He was the first to write letters with his own hands, the first to separate clothes for people to wear, and the first to build the Holy House of God with the hands of the Egyptians.


 Egypt is the first to mint money from thousands of years ago to this day, and some peoples call it “Al-Masari” in relation to Egypt.


 Egypt is the one who gave birth to Hagar, the wife of the Prophet of God Ibrahim and the mother of the Prophet of God Ismael, whose rituals the various Muslims follow, she and her son, in the pilgrimage to the Day of Judgment


 It was Egypt that bought one of its sons, the Prophet of God, Joseph, to live, die and be buried in Egypt.


 Egypt is the only country in which there are treasuries of the earth, and all the children of Israel came to it, led by the Prophet of God Jacob, his wife and his children.


 It is Egypt that saved all the peoples of the earth from starvation in the lean years of drought, so it fed them from its goodness, and it remains the credit for them and their descendants until the Day of Judgment.


 Egypt is where the Prophet of God Moses was born and raised, and God spoke to him in the holy valley. It was the first and last time that God’s voice reached the earth and was heard by human beings.


 Egypt was the one who gave birth to Lady Asia, the wife of Pharaoh, and she was the first woman for whom God would build a palace in heaven.


 Egypt is the one with which the Torah was revealed on tablets from heaven, and it is in which God sent down manna and quail to the Children of Israel.


 Egypt was the one that was chosen by divine inspiration, Mary, the daughter of Imran, and her infant child, the Prophet of God, Jesus, the son of Mary, to escape the oppression of God’s enemies, so she stayed there for seven years.


  Egypt is the one mentioned in the Holy Qur’an five times explicitly and many times by reference, without the rest of the countries of the earth, and it is the only one mentioned in all the heavenly books.


 Egypt is the one in which the Messenger of God said, “Recommend its people with goodness.” He affirmed that its soldiers are the best soldiers on earth, and that its people are bound by the Day of Judgment.


  Egypt is the one in which Amr ibn al-Aas said that the Emirate of Egypt modifies all the rest of the caliphate state.


 It was Egypt that rescued his brothers in the Arabian Peninsula and sent her a convoy, the first in Medina and the last in Cairo, after the famine occurred in the Arabian Peninsula and the people died of starvation, so Omar Ibn Al-Khattab sent her asking for help from her family and writing only three words {And rescue him. and comforted him. And help him} Umar prayed for Egypt and its people with good, growth and prosperity.


 Egypt is the only country that God has singled out for security and safety in its length and width, and the Almighty said {Enter Egypt, God willing, safe}.It’s Egypt, gentlemen


 Egypt is the first country on the planet Earth, and God Almighty named it Revelation, and after its name, the Prophet of God, Noah, named his grandson (Egypt).


 In Egypt, the Prophet of God, Idris, was born. He was the first to write letters with his own hands, the first to separate clothes for people to wear, and the first to build the Holy House of God with the hands of the Egyptians.


 Egypt is the first to mint money from thousands of years ago to this day, and some peoples call it “Al-Masari” in relation to Egypt.


 Egypt is the one who gave birth to Hagar, the wife of the Prophet of God Ibrahim and the mother of the Prophet of God Ismael, whose rituals the various Muslims follow, she and her son, in the pilgrimage to the Day of Judgment


 It was Egypt that bought one of its sons, the Prophet of God, Joseph, to live, die and be buried in Egypt.


 Egypt is the only country in which there are treasuries of the earth, and all the children of Israel came to it, led by the Prophet of God Jacob, his wife and his children.


 It is Egypt that saved all the peoples of the earth from starvation in the lean years of drought, so it fed them from its goodness, and it remains the credit for them and their descendants until the Day of Judgment.


 Egypt is where the Prophet of God Moses was born and raised, and God spoke to him in the holy valley. It was the first and last time that God’s voice reached the earth and was heard by human beings.


 Egypt was the one who gave birth to Lady Asia, the wife of Pharaoh, and she was the first woman for whom God would build a palace in heaven.


 Egypt is the one with which the Torah was revealed on tablets from heaven, and it is in which God sent down manna and quail to the Children of Israel.


 Egypt was the one that was chosen by divine inspiration, Mary, the daughter of Imran, and her infant child, the Prophet of God, Jesus, the son of Mary, to escape the oppression of God’s enemies, so she stayed there for seven years.


  Egypt is the one mentioned in the Holy Qur’an five times explicitly and many times by reference, without the rest of the countries of the earth, and it is the only one mentioned in all the heavenly books.


 Egypt is the one in which the Messenger of God said, “Recommend its people with goodness.” He affirmed that its soldiers are the best soldiers on earth, and that its people are bound by the Day of Judgment.


  Egypt is the one in which Amr ibn al-Aas said that the Emirate of Egypt modifies all the rest of the caliphate state.


 It was Egypt that rescued his brothers in the Arabian Peninsula and sent her a convoy, the first in Medina and the last in Cairo, after the famine occurred in the Arabian Peninsula and the people died of starvation, so Omar Ibn Al-Khattab sent her asking for help from her family and writing only three words {And rescue him. and comforted him. And help him} Umar prayed for Egypt and its people with good, growth and prosperity.


 Egypt is the only country that God has singled out for security and safety in its length and width, and the Almighty said {Enter Egypt, God willing, safe}.It’s Egypt, gentlemen


 Egypt is the first country on the planet Earth, and God Almighty named it Revelation, and after its name, the Prophet of God, Noah, named his grandson (Egypt).


 In Egypt, the Prophet of God, Idris, was born. He was the first to write letters with his own hands, the first to separate clothes for people to wear, and the first to build the Holy House of God with the hands of the Egyptians.


 Egypt is the first to mint money from thousands of years ago to this day, and some peoples call it “Al-Masari” in relation to Egypt.


 Egypt is the one who gave birth to Hagar, the wife of the Prophet of God Ibrahim and the mother of the Prophet of God Ismael, whose rituals the various Muslims follow, she and her son, in the pilgrimage to the Day of Judgment


 It was Egypt that bought one of its sons, the Prophet of God, Joseph, to live, die and be buried in Egypt.


 Egypt is the only country in which there are treasuries of the earth, and all the children of Israel came to it, led by the Prophet of God Jacob, his wife and his children.


 It is Egypt that saved all the peoples of the earth from starvation in the lean years of drought, so it fed them from its goodness, and it remains the credit for them and their descendants until the Day of Judgment.


 Egypt is where the Prophet of God Moses was born and raised, and God spoke to him in the holy valley. It was the first and last time that God’s voice reached the earth and was heard by human beings.


 Egypt was the one who gave birth to Lady Asia, the wife of Pharaoh, and she was the first woman for whom God would build a palace in heaven.


 Egypt is the one with which the Torah was revealed on tablets from heaven, and it is in which God sent down manna and quail to the Children of Israel.


 Egypt was the one that was chosen by divine inspiration, Mary, the daughter of Imran, and her infant child, the Prophet of God, Jesus, the son of Mary, to escape the oppression of God’s enemies, so she stayed there for seven years.


  Egypt is the one mentioned in the Holy Qur’an five times explicitly and many times by reference, without the rest of the countries of the earth, and it is the only one mentioned in all the heavenly books.


 Egypt is the one in which the Messenger of God said, “Recommend its people with goodness.” He affirmed that its soldiers are the best soldiers on earth, and that its people are bound by the Day of Judgment.


  Egypt is the one in which Amr ibn al-Aas said that the Emirate of Egypt modifies all the rest of the caliphate state.


 It was Egypt that rescued his brothers in the Arabian Peninsula and sent her a convoy, the first in Medina and the last in Cairo, after the famine occurred in the Arabian Peninsula and the people died of starvation, so Omar Ibn Al-Khattab sent her asking for help from her family and  only three words {And rescue him. and comforted him. And help him} Umar prayed for Egypt and its people with good, growth and prosperity.


 Egypt is the only country that God has singled out for security and safety in its length and width, and the Almighty said {Enter Egypt, God willing, safe}.

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